
Admin's Log

This blog will be used to track administrative changes to the site.

Having issues with Popupstyles and OpenStreetMap3

admin 21 Mar 2023
Having issues with Popupstyle Bubble and OpenStreetMap3. This feature is currently not functioning with OpenStreetMap3. In the interim, I have the site configured to use the Google Maps API. This might cause unexpected consequences.

Set php.ini timezone

admin 10 Jan 2023
Set the timezone in the server's php.ini file to prevent potential errors. Timezone is set to America/Chicago.

Upgraded to Tiki Wiki 25.0

admin 09 Jan 2023

Jumped from Tiki Wiki 21.2 to 25.0.

Notes about upgrade.

  • Installed PHP Intl for Tiki 25.0 to work.
  • Resolved account lockout bug.
  • Updated server operating system.
  • Performed a full backup.

Things I'm actively working on

admin 11 Nov 2020

I'm trying to figure out how to autofill fields in the memorial template page once the cemetery tracker is selected. It looks like it should be possible but so far no luck.

I'm also working on changing how cemetery names are listed in the dropdowns to include geographical information. I thought there was a way to do this but now I can't find it again.

And lastly, I want to see if I can create some kind of photo ranking system.

Added Side Menu Shortcuts

admin 05 Oct 2020

I added a second menu to the left-hand side to show shortcuts to the most common pages. This makes it easier to add content faster.

New Menu Shortcuts

Can now view photo metadata

admin 02 Oct 2020

Adding this to the Display Parameters in the Tracker allows the metadata to be viewed.


So in the Memorial tracker, it's setup like this.


Fixed file size limit

admin 28 Sep 2020

Looks like we lost the PHP configurations with the latest update. We're currently on PHP 7.4.

New max file size is set to 64mb. This may be changed later.

Configuration info here.

New features!

admin 24 Sep 2020

WikiGrave now has a new logo!

New Wg Logo Fs

Also modified a few items for user generated content.

  • New content created by Registered Users will now be assigned to the creator, the assigned users can now modify and delete content that they have created. Registered users cannot modify or delete content created by other users.
  • Created a Moderators user group. Moderators can modify or delete content created by other users and can assign other users to an item to grant them write permission.

I'm still experimenting with some other ideas on how to handle permissions but I'm making progress. At least for now, the site is functional but still has a very conservative control system in place.

Changed out server hardware

admin 24 Sep 2020
Changed out the server hardware a few weeks ago. Confirmed that the instability issue was related to the hardware and not a software issue. We're now running off of a micro PC rather than a Ryzen desktop and it seems to be operating just fine in it's new home. This can easily be upgraded later on.

Admin's Wishlist for 05 July 2020

admin 05 Jul 2020
  • Fix permissions for registered users...
  • * To be able to modify items but not allowed to remove files they themselves did not upload
  • Simplify setting coordinates for item location
  • Search Engine Friendly URL
  • Add a map/list to the Memorial template that shows other Memorials in the same Cemetery that have the same last name/maiden name of the parent Memorial. This would be a great feature for researchers.
  • Copyright???
  • Default items in dropdown selectors?
  • Show how many Memorials and Cemeteries that have been added on the homepage.

User Registration

admin 05 Jul 2020

I added a "Tracker" for registered users and have started implementing settings for registered users. For now I just got a basic user registration form with a couple of antibot features. Registered users are able to create new items but cannot modify any items. I have not found a way to limit a way for users to only be able to modify certain items. It's all or none.

Registration is open :-)

Added features

admin 04 Jul 2020

Added a "Bio" field to the Memorial template for biographies and stories.

Added an "Also Known As" field to the cemetery template for alternate cemetery names.

Popup Bubbles in Maps

admin 30 Jun 2020

Popup Bubbles now appear in maps when hovered over by mouse with this code.

popupstyle="bubble" tooltips="y"

Memorials mapped now shown under Cemetery page

admin 29 Jun 2020

Mapped memorials in a cemetery are now shown on the cemetery page. Just had to add this little bit of code to the Cemetery TPL page.

{MAP(scope="center"  controls="controls,search_location,scale,navigation" width="500" height="400")} {maxRecords=1000}

Image Sorting

admin 21 Jun 2020

Modified image sorting in the Tracker properties to show oldest created image first. This seemed most logical to show pictures in order taken. Often times the last photo taken is the reverse side of a memorial or the secondary veteran memorial.

Image Parameter


WikiGrave Menu